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Features in v1


A post on the features in v1.0:

Theme colors

You can easily modify the theme color by changing the primary attribute in the tailwind config file:

theme: {
    colors: {
      primary: colors.teal,
      gray: colors.neutral,

The primary color attribute should be assigned an object with keys from 50, 100, 200 ... 900 and the corresponding color code values.

Tailwind includes great default color palettes that can be used for theming your own website. Check out customizing colors documentation page for the full range of options.

Xdm MDX compiler

We use mdx-bundler which uses xdm under the hood, the latest micromark 3 and remark, rehype libraries.

This allows loading components directly in the mdx file using the import syntax and including js code which could be compiled and bundled at the build step.

For example, the following jsx snippet can be used directly in an MDX file to render the page title component:

import PageTitle from "./PageTitle.js";
<PageTitle> Using JSX components in MDX </PageTitle>;

Using JSX components in MDX

The default configuration resolves all components relative to the components directory.

Table of contents component

Inspired by Docusaurus and Gatsby's gatsby-remark-table-of-contents, the toc variable containing all the top level headings of the document is passed to the MDX file and can be styled accordingly. To make generating a table of contents (TOC) simple, you can use the existing TOCInline component.

For example, the TOC in this post was generated with the following code:

<TOCInline toc={props.toc} exclude="Overview" toHeading={2} />

You can customise the headings that are displayed by configuring the fromHeading and toHeading props, or exclude particular headings by passing a string or a string array to the exclude prop. By default, all headings that are of depth 3 or smaller are indented. This can be configured by changing the indentDepth property. A asDisclosure prop can be used to render the TOC within an expandable disclosure element.

Here's the full TOC rendered in a disclosure element.

<TOCInline toc={props.toc} asDisclosure />
Table of Contents


You can map mdx blog content to layout components by configuring the frontmatter field. For example, this post is written with the PostSimple layout!

Adding new templates

layout templates are stored in the ./layouts folder. You can add your React components that you want to map to markdown content in this folder. The component file name must match that specified in the markdown frontmatter layout field.

The only required field is children which contains the rendered MDX content, though you'll want to pass in the frontMatter contents and render it in the template.

Here's an example layout which you can further customise:

export default function ExampleLayout({ frontMatter, children }) {
  const { date, title } = frontMatter;

  return (

Configuring a blog post frontmatter

Use the layout frontmatter field to specify the template you want to map the markdown post to. Here's how the frontmatter of this post looks like:

title: 'New features in v1'
date: '2021-05-26   '
tags: ['remix-run', 'tailwind', 'guide']
draft: false
summary: 'Introducing the new layout features - you can map mdx blog content to layout components by configuring the frontmatter field'
layout: PostSimpleLayout

You can configure the default layout in the respective page section by modifying the DEFAULT_LAYOUT variable. The DEFAULT_LAYOUT for blog posts page is set to PostSimpleLayout.


layout is mapped to wrapper which wraps the entire MDX content.

I do have a rather ugly switch statment in the MDXComponents.tsx so each time you add a new layout template you must add it to the switch statment.

switch (layout) {
  case "PostSimpleLayout":
    return <PostSimpleLayout children={children} {} />;
  case "AuthorLayout":
    return <AuthorLayout children={children} {} />;
  case "ExampleLayout":
    return <ExampleLayout children={children} {} />;

I have struggled with adding dynamic require in Remix as shown below so for now the switch statement above is all I have.

const Layout = (await import(`~/app/layouts/${layout}`)) as any;
return <Layout {} />;

Use the MDXLayoutRenderer component on a page where you want to accept a layout name to map to the desired layout. You need to pass the layout name from the layout folder (it has to be an exact match).

export const MDXLayoutRenderer = ({ layout, mdxSource, }) => {
  const MDXLayout = useMemo(() => getMDXComponent(mdxSource), [mdxSource]);

  return <MDXLayout layout={layout} components={MDXComponents} {} />;

Copy button for code blocks

Hover over a code block and you will notice a GitHub-inspired copy button! You can modify ./components/Pre.js to further customise it. The component is passed to MDXComponents and modifies all <pre> blocks.

Line highlighting and line numbers

Line highlighting and line numbers are now supported out of the box thanks to the new rehype-prism-plus plugin

The following javascript code block:

```js:showLineNumbers {1, 3-4}
var num1, num2, sum
num1 = prompt('Enter first number')
num2 = prompt('Enter second number')
sum = parseInt(num1) + parseInt(num2) // "+" means "add"
alert('Sum = ' + sum) // "+" means combine into a string

will appear as:

var num1, num2, sum;
num1 = prompt("Enter first number");
num2 = prompt("Enter second number");
sum = parseInt(num1) + parseInt(num2); // "+" means "add"
alert("Sum = " + sum); // "+" means combine into a string

To modify the styles, change the following class selectors in the prism.css file:

.code-highlight {
  @apply float-left min-w-full;

.code-line {
  @apply -mx-4 block border-l-4 border-opacity-0 pl-4 pr-4;

.code-line.inserted {
  @apply bg-green-500 bg-opacity-20;

.code-line.deleted {
  @apply bg-red-500 bg-opacity-20;

.highlight-line {
  @apply -mx-4 border-l-4 border-primary-500 bg-gray-700 bg-opacity-50;

.line-number::before {
  @apply -ml-2 mr-4 inline-block w-4 text-right text-gray-400;
  content: attr(line);

Bibliography and Citations

rehype-citation plugin is added to the xdm processing pipeline. This allows you to easily format citations and insert bibliography from an existing bibtex or CSL-json file.

For example, the following markdown code sample:

Standard citation [@Nash1950]
In-text citations e.g. @Nash1951
Multiple citations [see @Nash1950; @Nash1951, page 50]



is rendered to the following:

Standard citation (Nash, 1950)
In-text citations e.g. Nash (1951)
Multiple citations (see Nash, 1950, 1951, p. 50)


Nash, J. (1950). Equilibrium points in n-person games. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 36(1), 48–49.
Nash, J. (1951). Non-cooperative games. Annals of Mathematics, 286–295.

A bibliography will be inserted at the end of the document, but this can be overwritten by specifying a [^Ref] tag at the intended location. The plugin uses APA citation formation, but also supports the following CSLs, 'apa', 'vancouver', 'harvard1', 'chicago', 'mla', or a path to a user-specified CSL file.

See rehype-citation readme for more information on the configuration options.